App Volume Control Pro v2.23 APK [Paid] [Latest]

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App Volume Control Pro is a versatile and feature-rich Android application designed to provide users with precise control over the volume settings of individual apps on their devices. This handy tool empowers users to fine-tune the audio output for different applications, ensuring a more personalized and convenient audio experience.

Key Features :

Per-App Volume Control

App Volume Control Pro allows users to set individual volume levels for each installed application. This means you can customize the audio output for your favorite games, media players, messaging apps, and more, tailoring the sound to your preferences.

Volume Profiles

The app offers the convenience of creating volume profiles that can be activated based on specific conditions, such as when you connect headphones, use Bluetooth devices, or enter specific locations. This feature ensures that your volume settings automatically adjust to your needs.

Smart Volume Adjustment

App Volume Control Pro can intelligently adjust the volume for applications as they are launched. For example, if you open a video streaming app, it can automatically set the volume to a predefined level, providing a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Widget Support

The app provides widgets for quick and easy volume control directly from your home screen. This feature simplifies the process of adjusting audio settings on the fly.

Notification Control

With this feature, you can manage the volume of notifications for individual apps. This is particularly useful if you want to prioritize or mute notifications from specific applications.

User-Friendly Interface

App Volume Control Pro features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and configure volume settings without any hassle.

No Ads

The Pro version of the app is typically ad-free, ensuring a clean and uninterrupted user experience.

Use Cases :

Gaming : Customize the volume for gaming apps to enhance your gaming experience without affecting other apps.

Media Consumption : Adjust the volume for video streaming or music apps to match your preferred audio levels.

Productivity : Set different volume profiles for work-related apps and personal apps to maintain a distraction-free environment.

Location-Based Profiles : Create volume profiles that automatically adjust based on your location, ensuring appropriate sound levels in different settings.

App Volume Control Pro offers an innovative solution to an everyday problem, giving users control over their device’s audio output on a per-app basis. Whether you want to enjoy your favorite tunes without interruptions, focus on your work, or immerse yourself in gaming, this app ensures that you can fine-tune your audio experience to suit your needs.

You are now ready to download App Volume Control Pro for free. Here are some notes:

  • Please read our MOD Info and installation instructions carefully for the game & app to work properly
  • Downloading via 3rd party software like IDM, ADM (Direct link) is currently blocked for abuse reasons.

This app has no advertisements


App Volume Control Pro (1,19 €, Google Play) →


App Volume Control Pro v2.23 APK [Paid] / Mirror

App Volume Control Pro v2.17 APK [Paid] / Mirror

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